About Us

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If you don’t know us from before, Wiwi and I live to travel. We’re the travel-obsessed introverts who somehow make it work in an extroverted world. We’re in our late thirties/early forties, working full-time jobs in tech (Wiwi) and the expert network space (me). Our jobs are often mentally demanding—so we use travel as our ultimate form of “self-care”, only with more plane tickets and less spa time.

Our travel journey together began in 2017, one year before we tied the knot, but individually, we’ve been globe-trotting for a lot longer than that.

About Khanh:

Growing up, I was always the curious kid. At 13, I left Vietnam for Finland, carrying a heavy suitcase of questions about the world. I’m a Learner (according to ClifftonStrength test), so naturally, I enjoy exploring different cultures, and crossing out my “dislikes” to find my “likes” in the process. I’ve always loved spending time in museums having “aha” and “what if” moments, wandering through landmarks to get my “how” and “why” answered, and going on nature walks where my unathletic self is breathless, but my curious self urges me to keep going. One of my favourite things though is find a cozy café in a small corner with a view, sipping hot chocolate, listening to music and watching the world go by. It’s in those soothing moments, in those cozy spots, where I feel most at peace. 

About Wiwi:

Wiwi is the adventurous spirit of our duo. He’s the one who paraglided over the Himalayas in Nepal, scuba dived in the freezing water of Iceland, raced through snow forests in Lapland on a snowmobile and tried every bizarre food he could get his hands on (from deep-fried crickets to raw sea urchin).  Wiwi, originally from Indonesia, moved to Singapore during his Secondary school days and spent a few years in Australia. He’s solo-travelled to The UAE, Sweden, Iceland and has visited a grand total of 51 countries. 

About Us:

While travel has definitely broadened my horizons, I’ve got to give Wiwi credit for pushing me out of my comfort zone and encouraging me to try (or eat) things I never thought I would. His “world domination plan” (which, spoiler alert, involves visiting every country in the world) has taken our travels to the next level. We work full-time to fund our travels so vacation days are a precious commodity. That means we’ve gotten pretty creative about how to experience the world at our own comfortable pace, on a limited budget and even more limited time.

So, whether you’re here to pick up some travel tips or search for travel inspiration we’re glad you stopped by. Life’s too short to stay in one place, so why not take a chance on a new adventure? Grab your passport, pack some sambal belachan, and let’s go explore this beautiful, wild world together. The journey’s waiting, and it’s going to be unforgettable!